NAP - перевод на Английский
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NAP - перевод на Английский

NAP; NAP (disambiguation); Napping (disambiguation)

Neuilly Auteuil Passy, Parisian suburbs
manille aux enchères      
n. nap
personne qui fait une sieste      
n. napping


(naps, napping, napped)
If you have a nap, you have a short sleep, usually during the day.
Use your lunch hour to have a nap in your chair...
I might take a little nap.
= snooze, doze
If you nap, you sleep for a short period of time, usually during the day.
An elderly person may nap during the day and then sleep only five hours a night.
= doze
The nap of a carpet or of a cloth such as velvet is the top layer of short threads, which usually lie smoothly in one direction.
If someone is caught napping, something happens when they are not prepared for it, although they should have been. (INFORMAL)
The security services were clearly caught napping.
PHRASE: V inflects


Nap (disambiguation)

A nap is a short period of sleep.

Nap or NAP may also refer to:

Примеры произношения для NAP
1. nap.
Big Numbers for Small Missions - NASA's Future with Cubesats _ Dave Korsmeyer _ Talks at Google
2. Nap
Bosstown - A Novel _ Adam Abramowitz _ Talks at Google
3. They nap.
Bored & Brilliant - Rediscovering the Lost Art of Spacing Out _ Manoush Zomorodi _ Talks at Google
4. nap pods--
Brad Paisley Album & Tour Interview _ Talks at Google
5. if you've had a nap or an accidental nap.
Matthew Walker _ Sleep in Uncertain Times _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для NAP
1. A cet effet, des plans nationaux d‘attribution (NAP) ont été adoptés fixant les obligations de réduction de chaque Etat membre.
2. Il envisage de soumettre la prescription et la délivrance du natrium pentobarbital (NAP), substance mortelle généralement utilisée par injection, ŕ des conditions plus strictes.
3. Du côté d‘Exit Suisse romande, le président Jérôme Sobel se dit réfractaire ŕ pareille méthode, «car le mal est moins doux». Son association, qui n‘accueille pas de patients étrangers, a recours aux NAP.
4. Contrairement au natrium pentobarbital (NAP) utilisé jusqu‘ici, l‘hélium ne doit pas ętre prescrit par un médecin. «Le patient met lui–męme un sac en plastique sur sa tęte et étouffe», explique encore Jürg Vollenweider. «Pendant plusieurs minutes le corps des mourants continue de bouger.